The process of ending a marriage can present complications in a later-in-life divorce and litigation may be the answer if you and your spouse cannot resolve points of contention.
However, if you feel you can work together to create a divorce settlement despite complex issues, you may find that mediation is the best option.
Issues to confront
In ending a long marriage and starting a new life, older couples often have decisions to make that many younger people do not. In the property division phase of their divorce, they may have to deal with restricted stock options, executive compensation packages, investments, and ownership in different companies or in real property. Breaking down a marriage that endured for decades is often complicated, but mediation presents a divorce option that offers advantages over litigation.
Savings in time, money and more
You probably know that a traditional divorce in court might last for months if not years and can be very expensive. Mediation takes far less time and money, both of which are considerations as you look toward the future. Since mediation is a process that takes place in more informal surroundings outside of court, you and your spouse will also appreciate the privacy aspect. Mediation is less stressful than litigation and the mediator will encourage cooperation and open communication as you work toward creating a settlement agreement that is satisfactory to you both.
Future family relationships
Mediation minimizes conflict, and the emphasis on communication is something you and your soon-to-be-ex can utilize as you enter the next phase of life. Rather than having to deal with the effects of a contentious court battle, mediation helps older couples put their cooperation and compromise skills to good use in protecting family relationships going forward.