Even if your divorce is comparatively conflict-free, coming up with a comprehensive parenting plan is challenging. One of the most difficult aspects is figuring out your family's new living situation if you and your ex-spouse share custody of the children. The most...
Month: February 2021
Understanding legal and physical child custody
When you and your spouse divorce, you must share the responsibility you have for any children that you have together. Custody is a legal term for these responsibilities. The term custody may make you think of supervision of the children and care for their basic needs...
Retaining your 401(k) in your divorce
Past posts on this blog addressed the fact that your 401(k) is subject to property division during your divorce in Illinois. You may look at your 401(k) as one of the primary sources of income during your retirement years. Thus, having to divide up any portion of it...
Factors that affect whether you receive maintenance after divorce
Financial independence is a primary concern for people ending their marriage, particularly when one spouse supported the other financially. Perhaps you left a job to take care of your kids and home full-time, or you sacrificed your own career ambitions to support your...