You already know that you must likely pay your former spouse child support, but you do not know the specific amount. What factors determine how much you must pay? Turn to Forbes for the answers you need to create a post-divorce budget. Being well-informed helps set...
Month: January 2021
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5 mistakes to avoid in preparing a parenting plan for mediation
If you are facing divorce, helping your children adjust to the next chapter in their lives will be top of mind. Many divorcing parents choose mediation and sit down together to work out an effective parenting plan. In doing so, here are five mistakes to avoid. 1....
Is there a right time to tell your child you are getting a divorce?
As a parent, telling your child is one of the hardest parts of divorce. Every child reacts to big news in a different way. It is hard or even impossible to get a good grasp on how yours might take it. But you understandably want to make the process as easy as...