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Tips for creating a child-first custody agreement

On Behalf of | Aug 31, 2023 | Child Custody

When it comes to crafting a custody agreement, your child’s needs should be the priority. A child-first custody agreement prioritizes your child’s well-being and stability as they navigate the changes in their family structure.

There are a few tips that may help you create a custody agreement that puts your child first.

Clear and consistent scheduling

Children thrive with predictability and routine. A custody schedule with clear, specific times for transitions helps your child feel more secure and lets them know what to expect along the way.

Flexibility for special occasions

Although consistency is important, child custody schedules should allow flexibility for special occasions. Holidays, school events and birthdays, for example, mark significant moments for your child. Include accommodations so that both parents can participate when possible.

Considerations for activities

As children get older, custody schedules should allow flexibility for activities and changing interests. Kids who play sports or participate in extracurriculars may want both parents there to see their accomplishments.

Neutral exchange location

Children might feel anxiety about having custody exchanges happen at either parent’s house. Remember that each parent’s home should be a safe place for your child, so establish a neutral location for custody exchanges to reduce tension and keep the atmosphere light. This reduces any anxiety or emotional turmoil.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly 22 million U.S. children have a parent living outside of the home. Adapting to custody exchanges can lead to emotional upheaval, but a child-first custody agreement helps to ease that transition. Put your child’s interests and needs first to minimize the turmoil of your custody agreement.

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